Saturday, December 28, 2013

New Year Resolution Part 1

As new year fast approaches, many of us will ponder the good 'ol New Years is a TCM take on how our body approaches decisions, will power and change. 

TCM views our body in an entirely unique way, and our thinking, emotions and mental functions are not exempt from this system. A feature of Chinese medicine is the strong link between the phsical body - our organs (Zang-Fu), Energy (Qi), Blood (Xue) etc, and mental functions like decision making and will power. 

Likewise, emotions and mental functions in a non-benefitial state can affect the associated bodies organs, resulting in disease.

A simple and best example is thinking - in Chinese medicine we call this "emotion" Pensiveness. In health, thinking is needed to problem solve, to work through issues, and should be accompanied by other activities such as decision making and exercising judgement.

Thinking in a disease state is pensiveness, or worry - where thoughts are going around without control or restraint. Worry can take a person to a place of thinking that transends facts and actual reality into a place that dwells on "what-if's" and unlikley scenarios. Thinking and pensiveness belong to the Spleen organ. The Spleen's function is to digest thoughts as well as digest food.

Pensiveness and worry can damage the Spleen energy resulting in poor appetite or no appetite (or sometimes a large, out of control appetite) bloating, abdominal distention or dull-achy pain and diarrohea.  

A poor diet (see my other posts about what TCM thinks is a good diet) can also damage the Spleen energy and cause emotions like worry to be exacerbated. Weak Spleen Energy certainly makes it very hard for the body to have good, clear thinking.

Food for thought! Part 2 Discusses the role of will power.

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